Established in 1995. Through market research however, it became clear that there was a dire need for the supply of paving blocks to the industry. With this in mind, MVA Bricks forged ahead in the manufacture of exceptional quality paving blocks. Both product and workmanship are of the highest standards and is constantly monitored by the company quality management. MVA specializes in the production of 50mm Bevel, 50mm Cottage Stone, Interlock 50mm, 60mm and 80mm and Twin cobble paving bricks (available in a variety of colors).
MVA has recently introduced 2 new retaining wall blocks or CRB to the market.
We supply to both domestic customer as well as the industrial market consumer base.
The company endeavors to use only SABS approved materials. Our product carries the SABS mark of approval (SABS permit number 5719 / 88384, dated 1997-07-29)